We have a dedicated medical staff determined to help you on your way to a healthy recovery. While treating illness is important, our providers also focus on your complete wellness. Our medical providers cover the complete health spectrum, from prenatal care and birth to caring for the aged and all ages in between. They staff clinics in Lake City, Lake View, Rockwell City, and Gowrie providing care to all communities in the surrounding areas.
Family Medicine
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City
In July 2011, Danni Anderson, PA-C, joined McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City to offer f…
Family Medicine, Mental Health
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake View,McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City
Mental Health Specialist Stephanie Bellcock, ARNP, PMHNP, sees patients at McCrary-R…
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Gowrie
Katelyn Brown, PA, specializes in family medicine, seeing patients at McCrary-Rost C…
General Surgery
Board-Certified General Surgeon Ronald Cheney, DO, graduated from Des Moines Univers…
Mental Health
Kate DeWall, LISW, offers virtual therapy for patients of all ages and backgrounds. …
Family Medicine, Women's Health
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake View
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Jess Drees sees patients of all ages at her p…
Family Medicine, Obstetrics
Derek Duncan, DO, offers a full spectrum of family care including obstetrics, pediat…
Family Medicine with emphasis on Gerontology
Ms. Nancy Flink sees patients at the McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City. She specializes…
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Gowrie,McCrary-Rost Clinic: Rockwell City
Mental Health Specialist Carrie Goodwin, DNP, PMHNP-BC, sees patients at McCrary-Ros…
Megan Grodahl, PA-C, sees patients of all ages at McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City. Sh…
Obstetrics, Pediatrics, and Adult Medicine Provider Susan Hornback, DO, is a board-c…
Lake City Native Jeremy Johnson, CRNA, co-directs both the anesthesia department and…
Jim Lewis, CRNA, co-directs both the anesthesia department and the pain solutions cl…
Mental Health Therapy
Glenna Nockels, LISW, sees patients of all ages and backgrounds every Monday, Tuesda…
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Rockwell City
Nebraska Native Tonja Petersen-Anderson, ARNP, FNP-C, ANP-C, offers family care at M…
Before beginning her practice at McCrary-Rost Clinic: Gowrie, Liz Peterson, PA-C, go…
Family Medicine, Obstetrics, Women's Health
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City,McCrary-Rost Clinic: Rockwell City
Lake City Native Julia Richardson, MD, offers family medicine and obstetrics service…
Josh Smith, DO, is a board-certified general surgeon with SMCH. After graduating fro…
Lexie Snyder, PA-C, offers family care at McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake City, and in Gow…
Mental Health Counseling
McCrary-Rost Clinic: Rockwell City,McCrary-Rost Clinic: Lake View
Anne's journey from youth and family ministry to mental health counseling reflects h…
Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Barb Weber, ARNP, FNP-C, practices family med…